Book Review.
Crime Writing:

How To Write The Science.
Brian Price

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Today’s Tuesday Tip is a book review – Crime Writing: How To Write The Science by Brian Price.
Brian Price is the author of the DC Mel Cotton series. He is also a retired environmental chemist and biologist. In this gem of a book, he sets out to provide a manual to help non-scientists write science in a compelling and accurate manner.
I picked up a copy of this book some time ago, and have been dipping in and out of it since I bought it. It is a fantastic resource, and one that’s well-worth the investment.
The breadth of topics covered is exceptionally broad. As one would expect, there is a lot of forensic science, but the book goes well beyond that. For example, the first two chapters cover poisons. This is an area in which Agatha Christie was famous for her in-depth knowledge, however Price goes beyond slipping someone a mickey or poisoning their cream tea. He covers a wide-range of toxic substances, including some common industrial and environmental poisons. A third chapter deals with ways of inducing unconsciousness.I hang around on a number of writers’ forums and how to render a victim insensate is a frequent source of both discussion and frustration. You’d be amazed how many people still think that a bash to the back of the head will produce temporary unconsciousness, from which the hero will awaken, sometime later, with a sore head and ‘a mild concussion’. He discusses a number of different substances or methods to stun someone, and dispels the many myths perpetrated in crime fiction.
Later chapters deal with explosives and firearms, methods for killing a person and the all-important disposal of the body and (hopefully) getting away with it.

The reason I recommend this book so highly is its accessibility. Price makes no assumptions about the reader’s prior scientific knowledge. Sections are short and snappy, and he includes copious mini case-studies, from both fact and fiction. He also includes practical and legal issues – for example, it’s all very well coming up with a fiendish and scientifically plausible way to murder your character, but have you considered how likely it is the killer will actually get their hands on a controlled substance that only medical professionals have access to?
The book is designed as a study guide, and so there is an extensive bibliography at the back pointing towards original sources and further reading, and it is fully indexed.
This isn’t a book designed to be read cover-to-cover, rather it is for dipping in and out of, and picking up as a quick primer on a topic; if nothing else it will give you the necessary keywords to search the internet in more detail. It’s primary purpose is to introduce the basics and dispel some myths, hopefully helping writers avoid mistakes or perpetuating misconceptions. As a teacher, I would heartily recommend this book to students for its clarity, and as an author, would recommend it to any crime writers, fledgling or experienced.

One last thing. As a science teacher and experienced writer, much of what was in the book wasn’t entirely new to me. Yet I still found it a source of inspiration. Flicking through the contents pages, I found myself drawn to random topics or fascinating case studies. And you know what, I wouldn’t be surprised if my next books have some plot points inspired by what I’ve read!

You can learn more about writing science accurately and contact Brian Price at You can read more about Brian’s writing by visiting his website


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