The Blood Tide
(DS Max Craigie 2)
Neil Lancaster

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Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to receive a pre-publication copy of Dead Man’s Grave the first of Neil Lancaster’s new DS Max Craigie series. It was a damn good read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Well, the second in the series, The Blood Tide, is on its way in February 2022 and again I have been sent an early copy.

Once again, Craigie is back, along with his team – the brilliant Janie Calver, the foul-mouthed Ross Fraser and reader’s favourite, Nutmeg.
The first book cleverly set up the characters and the premise for the series, but was careful to keep plenty back, and so we learn more about them this time around.
As before, the book is set in some of the most beautiful parts of Scotland, with the action taking place in the remote countryside and coastal regions, rather than the gritty streets of Edinburgh or Glasgow. Indeed it is the isolated, windswept landscape that inspires the central idea. Scotland has hundreds of miles of coastland, but only a couple of patrol boats to try and stop smugglers. It is this lawlessness that provides opportunities for the criminals at the heart of this novel.

Lancaster is a former Met detective, and as before his intimate understanding of police procedure adds a note of authenticity to his writing. But he resists the urge to over-inform, keeping the pace brisk and driving the story through plot and characterisation.

Something that I really enjoy about Neil’s writing, is that he fully fleshes out his bad guys and allows the reader to spend time with them, instead of just keeping it centred on Craigie. Because of this, the reader is often privy to details that the police are not. Indeed the book seems to be heading towards a conclusion by its mid-point, with key players already identified by the team. But of course, the fun is that they are just the tip of the iceberg and the pace kicks up another couple of notches, and the stakes are raised still further, as we head towards a very satisfying conclusion, with plenty of surprises along the way.

I really enjoyed this, and look forward to future instalments in what I am certain will be a long and successful series.
I heartily recommend this book.


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