In The Blink Of An Eye
Jo Callaghan

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This isn’t the sort of book I tend to read these days. I used to be a big fan of science fiction, but in recent years, have largely moved away from it (except Star Trek, obviously!). But I won an advanced copy at Harrogate Crime Festival. The premise was certainly intriguing enough; pair a human detective with an advanced AI-powered hologram. It’s a concept that has been explored many different ways over the years. The problem is that usually, the author has the idea, but not always the technical understanding and the books tend to become rather fantastical. Which is fine, and not a criticism, but ST aside, I tend to have a low tolerance for ‘made up science’.I’m delighted to say that the author, Jo Callaghan has NOT stretched the bounds of credibility.

AIDE Locke – the name given to the artificial officer – is based on technology that is entirely plausible for a book set two or three years from now. Even better, the book is a damned-good police procedural. The central character, DCS Kat Frank, is well-crafted and sympathetic, and she has been surrounded by a fully fleshed out supporting cast. According to the acknowledgments, this is the first in a series, and it makes for a very strong start. I’ll certainly be following it.
The investigation surrounds missing people. Frank grudgingly agrees to take part in a pilot project, working alongside Locke, looking at older missing persons cases. The theory is that the AI’s ability to process massive amounts of data millions of times faster than human officers, would be ideal in an investigation. Locke is very much a work in process, and the interactions between it and Frank, and others, is at times amusing, at other times cringe-worthy. Of course, Kat learns as much from him as he learns from her.
The book is set in Warwickshire, an area I am familiar with, and it is pleasing to see an area that doesn’t often feature in crime novels.
The motivation for the disappearances is coldly plausible. I’m not going to say anymore, to avoid spoilers, suffice to say that I have some background in the area, and was impressed. The author has relevant contacts, and has used them to good effect. Again, the acknowledgments reveal that the writer has personal experience of the emotional themes running through the novel, and therefore it feels authentic.
All in all, definitely a recommended read. 


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