DI Kelly Porter Series
Rachel Lynch

Book 1 Dark Game    Amazon  Bookshop.org
Book 2 Deep Fear      Amazon  Bookshop.org
Book 3 Dead End        Amazon  Bookshop.org
Book 4 Bitter Edge    Amazon  Bookshop.org
Book 5 Bold Lies         Amazon  Bookshop.org
Book 6 Blood Rites    Amazon  Bookshop.org
Book 7 Little Doubt  Amazon  Bookshop.org
Book 8 Lost Cause     Amazon  Bookshop.org
Welcome to a first for this blog, a review of an entire series.

I first came across Rachel Lynch’s DI Kelly Porter in the summer of 2019, when her publisher sent me an early copy of the third book, Dead End. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was more than happy to let a quote of mine be used on the cover blurb. A few months later, the convenor of my local Crime Writers’ Association chapter announced that we would have a new member joining us for our semi-regular lunch-time gatherings. Guess who turned up the following Sunday!

Since then, Rachel has written a further five books, a work-rate that puts many of us to shame!
Fast-forward to the end of 2020 and the wonderful folks who run the UK Crime Book Club Facebook page asked if I would like to do a live ‘in conversation with’  interview. And if I did, who would I like to speak to? The decision took seconds, and I fired off a quick Facebook message to Rachel. Regardless of her response, I happened to be standing outside a small bookshop in Bakewell (quite literally the only time I had been out in public since March!), and it gave me the perfect excuse to march in and buy her whole back catalogue with a view to binge-reading them before our conversation.

The conversation took place on Friday 12th of February and is archived on both the UK Crime Book Club Facebook page and YouTube.

Reading the whole series back-to-back has been an absolute pleasure! As a writer of police procedurals myself, I know how difficult it can be to tread the fine-line between accuracy and the need to tell a good story, and Rachel nails it.
The stories encompass a range of different types of crime and societal issues including knife crime and teenage drug use, illegal immigation and people trafficking and a cracking messed-in-the-head serial killer! Rachel also touches on more unusual fare – the sixth in the series, Blood Rites explores ancient religions and cults. Unlike some authors, she resists the urge to over-sensationalise and treats these alternate beliefs with respect, and I came away feeling that I had learnt something genuinely interesting. Some of the themes (and antagonists) explored in earlier books are revisited later, which is extremely satisfying.

The books are set in the lake district, an area Rachel knows intimately and whilst the alarmingly regular murders, and hidden secrets are probably not entirely to the Cumbria Tourist Information Office’s taste, I think they are more than compensated for by her clear love of the area. DI Kelly Porter is a keen runner and outdoorsperson, and Rachel’s descriptions of this breath-taking National Park, through all its varied seasons, remind me of the wonderful visits I have made there. I think that readers of her books who are unfamiliar with the area will be entranced, and may contemplate a future holiday there.

Porter is a compelling character; dogged and determined, she follows a really satisfying arc over the course of the books. Her personal life is well mapped-out, and whilst it has enough drama to keep readers hooked and keen to catch-up with her in the next book, she isn’t a dark, depressed alcoholic.
In many ways, I find this comforting; my own DCI Warren Jones isn’t plagued by as many demons as some of his fictional peers, and Rachel has proven that you can write dark stories without the need for a relentlessly dark central protagonist.

There are many excellent crime series out there, and this is up with the best of them. And with its beautiful backdrops, complex and likeable central character, and satisfyingly complex plots, this is one that is crying out for TV. The success of Vera, DCI Banks and Shetland have shown that there is a big appetite for stories such as these. Perfect fodder for Sunday evening on ITV1!

I highly recommend this whole series!

Please feel free to share your thoughts here or on social media.


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Cover of The Aftermath, standalone thriller.
The Aftermath
The stunning new standalone domestic thriller from the creator of
DCI Warren Jones

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    Book 1: The Last Straw