The Thursday Murder Club Series.
Book 3 The Bullet That Missed
​Book 4 The Last Devil To Die
Richard Osman

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Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club series is fast becoming an annual treat, featuring on my Christmas wish list each year. I did a double review of the first two books in the series a couple of years ago, and with news that this series will be taking a brief hiatus as he launches a new series, now seemed a good time to review books 3 & 4.

Again, I won’t give away too much of the plot – you can read the jacket blurbs for that – suffice to say that the in book 3, The Bullet That Missed, we see our intrepid heroes investigate a cold case, and Elizabeth’s past come back to bite her.

In the fourth instalment, The Last Devil To Die, we see the gang spring into action when a friend (featured in previous novels) is murdered.

The series is really coming into its own now, and Osman’s writing becomes increasingly confident. The trademark humour is there and the characters, now well-established, all have their chance to shine. But it isn’t just jokes and jolly capers, The Last Devil To Die genuinely had me crying for several chapters. If you’ve read the book, you will know exactly what I am referring to. It’s been a long time since a book has actually moved me to that extent. If there was any doubt that Osman can’t write, and is just another celebrity author, then this dispels that slur. Absolutely brilliant.
I recommend these books because they are fantastic reads. They are funny, poignant and cleverly plotted. Forget the fact that he is a celebrity, Osman deserves every accolade. I can’t wait until he brings them back.


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