Conversations With Their Creations
Author GB Williams in conversation with Elaine Blake

The premise is simple – an author conducts an interview with one of their characters. I leave it up to them how they wish to interpret that brief.
Today’s author is GB Williams. She specialises in complex, fast-paced crime novels, most recently, “Breaking Free”, but also the “Locked Trilogy”. GB was shortlisted for the 2014 CWA Margery Allingham Short Story Competition with the story Last Shakes, now available in Last Cut Casebook. Crime novels are her stock in trade, but she has had success with short stories in other genres including steampunk, horror, and erotica, and has penned a successful steampunk series. She has a husband and two grown up children, not to mention the world’s most imperious demanding cat. GB is such a cat slave, even the neighbourhood cats come demanding dinner. Now working as a fulltime writer and freelance structural editor. GB hates every photo ever taken of her.
She says, “I specialise in fast paced, contemporary crime that doesn’t hide from harsh reality (not too much gore). Nor do I hide from the fact that people have a heart, I will run through the gamut of emotion, and sometimes make the reader cry. There are many elements in my work, but it’s all about people and what they go through.“Today, she is interviewing Elaine Blake, star of Breaking Free.
GBW: Hello, Mrs Elaine Blake. How are you enjoying your travels?
Elaine: Much better than expected. I’ve barely travelled since meeting my husband 25 years ago, and he made me such a dreadful traveller, nervous, blundering. Mostly because he nagged, insulted, and stressed me out so I couldn’t relax or sleep. Now without him, even where I don’t understand the language, I’m calm. Mostly. My sense of direction has returned, and more importantly, I’m regaining a sense of self.
GBW: Talking of your husband, I’m sorry for your loss.
Elaine: I’m not. He was a controlling abuser who caged me up. I admit wanting to be a dull mouse but marrying him made me so much less than that. Worse. But now he’s gone, this mouse can roar across Europe.
GBW: Were there no good points to your marriage?
Elaine: Many. Twenty-one to be exact, all foster children. I couldn’t have kids, which, given what Jason was like, is probably a blessing, heavily disguised blessing, but we had twenty-one wonderful foster children.
GBW: Do you all stay in touch?
Elaine: Unfortunately, not. I’ve tried, but no. Still, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for any of them, if asked.
GBW: Like travel overseas, evade secret agents, solve cyphers, face down gunmen?
Elaine: (Laughs self-deprecatingly) Well yes, though you make it sound so dangerous.
GBW: You don’t think this is dangerous?
Elaine: It’s such fun, why worry about the danger? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not stupid. I know this could cost me my life. I’m 42 but for the first time in my life, I feel alive. Not just existing for others, I’m finally living. Really living. For my family, however weirdly extended.
GBW: So, it’s all about relationships for you?
Elaine: Of course. Relationships are everything. Even lousy ones teach you something. My marriage taught me I can’t hide who I am, I don’t even want to try anymore. My foster-daughter, Madison, has taught me about the kind of strong, centred woman I want to be.
GBW: What about your relationship with your foster-son, Lazlo?
Elaine: (Sighs) Yes, well, I’ll always love him. He’s why I’ve done all this. I came to help him. But things just aren’t that simple.
GBW: And your relationship with the secret agent?
Elaine: Relationship? That man threated to break my finger if I didn’t answer his questions. He tried to send me home to be a sitting duck.
GBW: He saved your life.
Elaine: Well, yes, but… Look, I don’t even know his name. I admit, he’s kind of dishy though.
GBW: Indeed. So, now you’ve evaded duplicitous family, secret agents and gunmen. What’s next?
Elaine: Figure out the last cyphers and codes, see where they lead. I can’t go home. Not yet, if ever. But it’s a big old world. If I survive, I’ll end up where I belong. Somewhere I can be me.
GBW: And who are you?
Elaine: Damned if I know. (Laughs) Maybe I’ll find out if I just play the game.
To learn more about her and her writing, visit her website or her Facebook page.
Or you can follow her on Twitter @GailBWilliams or Instagram @gbwilliamsauthor.