Guest Blogger
Stuart Field

The Benefits Of Travelling For Research

For this week’s #TuesdayTip, I am thrilled to invite thriller writer Stuart Field to tell us about the benefits of travelling for research.
A former soldier, Stuart now works as an armed security guard. He was born in the West Midlands, and is married with one daughter.
A busy man, he is the author of the John Steel series, soon to number six entries, the new Ronin Nash seriesand has just published the first in a new, two-book series, A Friend Of The Family.  
Stuart’s Tip
Travel and do research on your locations:

  • Try and see the places you are writing about. Doing research on the internet is a must, but being there is better.  That way, you can get the feel for the place, the aromas, and the people. Also, it can help answer questions about situations your character might face. You might look at a street or a walkway in the hills and think it is perfect, and then when you see it for real, you find your idea isn’t feasible. Try the local foods and drinks. Put yourself in your character’s shoes.
  • Also, remember, if you are writing about a city such as New York, London, etc, if you need to put in a diner, a hotel, or even a gas station, make sure it is feasible to do so. Don’t try and put one of these where it is obvious there is a skyscraper or other structure. Doing research on locations is a must because a reader who lives in that city will pick it up.
  • However, if you find a city or actual place that doesn’t work for your idea, make one up. That way, you can put what you want in the town, and nobody can pick you up. It is a simple solution, but be careful, because you may still have to research the area you are about to put your new town. 
  • The best tip is to have fun in your writing. 

(c) 2022 Stuart Field.

You can find out more about Stuart by visiting his website, following him on Twitter or Instagram, or visiting his Facebook Page.
As always feel free to comment here or on social media. 

If you are a writer with a suggestion for a #TuesdayTip, feel free to email me at
Until the next time,


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