Conversations With Their Creations
Author Stuart Field in conversation with Ronin Nash

Today’s #TuesdayTip is another #ConversationsWithTheirCreations.
The premise is simple – an author conducts an interview with one of their characters. I leave it up to them how they wish to interpret that brief.
​I am thrilled to invite back thriller writer Stuart Field to chat with his latest creation, Ronin Nash.

A former soldier, Stuart now works as an armed security guard. He was born in the West Midlands, and is married with one daughter.
A busy man, he is the author of the John Steel series, soon to number six entries, the new Ronin Nash seriesand has just published the first in a new, two-book series, A Friend Of The Family.  
My name is Stuart Field, and I am here with Special Agent Ronin Nash. Today we will discuss his life and his latest case, which was documented in my latest novel, Nobody’s Agent; Ronin Nash, thriller book 1.
Me:  So, Ronin, tell us about yourself.
Nash: Hi Stuart, thanks for having me today. Well, my name is Ronin Nash, and I work for a new government agency which is called the Interagency Investigation Bureau. I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland but didn’t stay there long. My father was in the British army, and we moved around a lot. He was in the Black Watch regiment. My mother was born and grew up in Manhattan, New York. Apparently, they got together after a fling they had when he was on R&R from an exercise in Canada.
We finally moved to Manhattan when I was in my teens after my dad retired from the army and bought a bar in Manhattan. Mac’s bar is called. Anyway, I went through college and finally joined the army. After a few years, I joined the Rangers. I was happy enough there, but after a friend was murdered and I investigated, I got snatched up by CID. Things went ok there until a joint op with the FBI; then, I got snatched up by the feds.
Me: Sounds like an exciting life you’ve had. So how come you are with the IIB?
Nash. There were some problems with my last year in the Bureau, namely one of my work colleagues was a dick. There was an incident, and I left. But after about a year, my old boss, soon to be my new one, asked me to join the IIB on one case, and I guess I just decided to stay afterward.
Me: I see you don’t like to dress like the other agents. Is there a reason?’
Nash: I was never much one for rules I felt were…unnecessary. The whole Brooks Brothers costume was not my thing. For one, it made you stand out. Criminals could see you coming a mile off. Besides, I knew it irritated the hell out of people, so it was a win-win in my book.  I like to dress practically, that is why I prefer jeans or chinos to suit pants. Work or military style boots to shiny shoes. When I dress for an investigation, I don’t want to worry if I’m gonna get my pants dirty or scuff my shiny shoes. And you tried running in those shoes? You get blisters.
Me: So, tell us about the case in, Nobody’s Agent.
Nash: It is set in a small town called Finchley. This is in upstate New York near Albany. The sheriff had discovered three bodies, and it was my job as an IIB agent to go there and assess whether it was a case for the cops or the FBI or, indeed, just an accident. As it turned out, there was more waiting for me in Finchley than I first thought.
Me: Well, unfortunately, that is all we have time for. So thanks to Ronin Nash, and to find out more, check out:
You can find out more about Stuart by visiting his website, following him on Twitter or Instagram, or visiting his Facebook Page.
As always feel free to comment here or on social media. If you are a writer with a suggestion for a #TuesdayTip, feel free to email me at
Until the next time,


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