Block Buster
Ideas To Thwart Writer’s Block

Carrying Someone Else’s Can.
Today’s #Tuesday Tip is a fun writers’ block/practise exercise to get you started writing for the day.
A great opening line is essential to hook your readers. It needs to grab their attention and have them asking ‘what happens next’. There are tremendous examples throughout history. This website compiled by the publisher Penguin lists some terrific opening lines that have stood the test of time).I happen to be a big fan of Douglas Adams’ opening to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

“The story so far: in the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”

For this activity, either take a book off the shelf or search the internet for lists of opening lines.

Copy the first line (or two if needs be). Now close the book and write a short piece starting with that line. The object of this exercise is not to retell the author’s original story, rather to run with that opener and see what you can come up with instead.

For a real challenge, pick a book completely at random, or search the internet, and force yourself to use that opening. If that seems too daunting, feel free to flick through a few different books until you find one that sets your imagination on fire.

How did you find the activity? As always feel free to comment here or on social media.

If you are a writer with a tip to share, or fancy writing a fictional interview between you and one of your characters, please feel free to email me.

Until next time,


Activities to Bust Writers’ Block or just have fun!

Authors hold imaginary conversations with their characters.

Cover of The Aftermath, standalone thriller.
The Aftermath
The stunning new standalone domestic thriller from the creator of
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